Saturday, January 30, 2010

finally finished my blog profile...
happy n very tired cause now midnight already...

go n see my profile ba...
HI, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I vry miss my primary school frend!!!....
6L class,
U noe ma?
I vry miss the time with u...
I vry X 10000 miss my frendssssssssss

To: my frend...
Hi, i very miss u guys,
I hope we can meet someone as fast as we can...
i really very miss u guys....

To: My Teacher...
I'm yee teng...
i very miss u all, teacher,
hope u all rmb me every time if u can...

Now lets me tell to my frend about my thing in Catholic High School,,,,

My Live In
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Catholic High School~~~~~~~~~~~

I very excited when i go into the school,
cause i lk the school very much before,
so i want to in catholic high school very much,
so i pls my mum very very hard,
my mum lets me in...
i very happy n wanted to thank my mum very much!!!^^

The 1st day....

i go to by van at 11 o'clock...
after 1 hour,
i reach the school....
i go to canteen n find Chong Hui San...
cause she oso same school wif me....
We chat about 30 minutes...
thn ,
1 prefect come n tell us go in to the hall n sit down,
thn we go in...
after 10 minutes,
the assemble was started,
i heard the guru besar say sth till wan slp liao....(true gt slp)
thn 1 pm...
we go to our class n start our classes...

My class is 1A1,
N my class teacher is Mr Collins,
he teaches us English....
after tat,
the boring classes start....
about 4pm,
we had a reset,
N i go to find Hui San which in the claa of 1A3...

At canteen...
We have our meal thr,
thn nth to do n go to walk around the school,
We oso gt meet the short short person: Phang Shee Bin
He walk wif a fat fat boy,
he oso serdang baru 1 d,
we see him thn no choi him,
go straight oni,
thn the bell ring liao,
we go back to our class...
n wanted to line up at outside the class....

thn about 6.40 pm
we go back to our house n slp....

The 2nd week oso lk tat...

The 3rd week oso lk tat, but h/w gt many...

The 4th week, don say liao....
the h/w gt many till i wan die liao.....
tat time i hope 2012 faster come...
true many homeworkssssssssssssssssssssssssssss....